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School Website

CBSE Schools to have Website with complete details of school.sample1 300x300 CBSE Schools to have Website with complete details of schoolCBSE requirements for school website. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has made it mandatory for all affiliated schools to have website with complete details of the school.Information required on the website: Following information is required to be present on the school website.

  • Details of CBSE guidelines and norms
  • Student strength
  • Information about Teaching Staff
  • Student teacher ratio
  • Contact details of Administrators
  • Comprehensive information about the school
  • Information about school infrastructure
  • Governance structure
  • Land area
  • Facilities and teacher salaries
  • Teachers’ qualification

The information to be provided on the website includes affiliation status, details of infrastructure, names and designations of teachers, class-wise and section-wise enrollment of students, address (both postal and email), telephone numbers, and details of members of the school managing committee, to name a few. Thus, the schools need to prepare an annual report containing all information to be uploaded on to its website,” the letter added. The details are to be collected as an annual report and uploaded on the website before September 15 each year.

A letter to affiliated schools from the joint secretary of the CBSE’s affiliation wing M V V Prasada Rao said, “It is observed that some schools do not have their own website and have not uploaded the required information on their website. All the managers and principals of schools affiliated to the board are again requested to comply with the above orders within one month without fail.

Example Sites of Schools


Free Fabulous jQuery Sliders

jQuery has become a popular choice among web designers and developers because of the user’s ability to create websites with more personalization schemes without the need of using extensive coding. As the web designing trend pursues the image and slide presentation approach, there are many jQuery slider plugins that are now available at your disposal for free. With so many choices out there, here are the top 10 fabulous free jQuery sliders that you can use to narrow down your options.

1.Responsive Slides

This jQuery slider uses a plugin that provides for a responsive slider that comes with an element that is within a container. The slider is highly compatible with multiple browsers like the Internet Explorer 6 and higher. If you are using a native browser that does not support the slider, the plugin comes with a CSS max-width support to optimize the browser’s ability to display the sliders. The slides are displayed either in automatic fading of images or shows the images in pagination and navigates to fade between the slides manually. You can also wrap the images on links, write captions, show multiple slides and set up the transition and the timeout duration for each slide show.

2. Basic jQuery Slider

The major feature of this jQuery slider is being minimalist and lightweight. It comes with a clean semantic markup that aims to deliver simplicity of use to its user. The Basic jQuery slider only uses the essential functionality of using a slide which you can tweak for designing using CSS and JavaScript in order to create interesting yet simple slides on your presentation. This is a great option for those looking for a simple interface on their slider with a minimal design to work on their slides.

4. Animated Responsive Image Grid

If you are looking for an animated element to use in your slides, this jQuery slider is a good option to consider. It comes with a responsive image grid that comes into transitions with timing and animations. One can upload many images and set up to show random images on the slides as a background. You can define the number of columns and rows that you want to appear on the grid and adjust the size options to appear on the screen width of your choice.

5. Wow jQuery Slider

This is a perfect jQuery slider for someone who does not want to use any codes and image editing for their website slider. Wow slider comes with a special visual effect and templates that are ready to use. Its point and click wizard allows its users to create fantastic sliders in a matter of seconds. If you want an easy to use jQuery slider without the hassle of configuring your sliders, this one is for you.

6. jQuery Responsive Thumbnail Gallery Plugin

This is a responsive jQuery slider that comes with a gallery of images that you can scale in size to fit the container to showcase each image. This is a great slider that you can use as the plugin allows you to seamlessly display your images on the slider without much technically involved. You need to direct a specific image in full and the thumbnail images in the setting which is a great jQuery slider for creating banners or displaying your products.

Happy Teachers Day


Teacher Is Lamp Of Nation.

Teacher Only One Person Who Serve Society In Real Manner.

Salute All Teachers Of Nation.

Happy Teachers Day

Features of HTML5

HTML 5 features which are useful right now include:

1) Web Workers: Certain web applications use heavy scripts to perform functions. Web Workers use separate background threads for processing and it does not effect the performance of a web page.

2) Video: You can embed video without third-party proprietary plug-ins or codec. Video becomes as easy as embedding an image.

3) Canvas: This feature allows a web developer to render graphics on the fly. As with video, there is no need for a plug in.

4) Application caches: Web pages will start storing more and more information locally on the visitor’s computer. It works like cookies, but where cookies are small, the new feature allows for much larger files. Google Gears is an excellent example of this in action.

5) Geolocation: Best known for use on mobile devices, geolocation is coming with HTML5.

Web Application APIs

Now days web development is building off APIs as a third party app. Most of the mainstream social networking brands include a working API and documentation segment right on their website. Plus there are tons of free wrapper classes on Github written in all the major back-end programming languages.

Developers should feel comfortable working with these types of code libraries as they are growing in demand. Using the OAuth system you can quickly build up a userbase from many of these applications. I’ve listed below just a few references to popular online APIs and their full documentation.

Twitter API
Digg API
CloudApp API API
eBay API
Foursquare API
Dribbble API
Github API
Take advantage of these resources on new projects whenever possible. The Web is becoming more connected and users are always flocking to the next big app. You can recruit thousands more dedicated members to your app when your visitors don’t need to register a whole new account and can instead signup directly through Twitter or Facebook.

Features of jquery

jQuery have lot of functionalities but some of the key features are given below :

Selection of DOM elements :

The jQuery selector provide us capability to select DOM elements so that we can add functionality to them using methods of jQuery. It is using CSS 3.0 syntax which provide us freedom to select one or more elements. Using CSS , you can select element by id, class and collaborate with events to increase it’s functionality.

The wrapped set

The selected elements reside inside a object known as wrapped set. It contain all the selected DOM elements, it has array like structure. You can traverse through this like an array and can select elements using index.


jQuery provide simplified event handling, You can easily bind and unbind events and for supported browsers it also provide a normalized event model due to this it is very easy to handle events.When any event occurs , it is called under the context of the event that triggered it.

Extensibility through plug-ins

The jQuery architecture provide us freedom to extend functionality using plug-ins . The plug-ins are easy to use and easy to clip with your page. You just need to set parameters to use these jQuery plug-ins and also need to include plug-in file. Some the main jQuery plug-ins are :

1.XML and XSLT tools

2.cookie handling


4.drag and drop events.

5.modal windows

6.dynamic lists


8.Ajax helpers

9.even a jQuery-based Commodore 64 emulator.

Cross-browser support

In JavaScript, the DOM implementations for event handling vary considerably between browsers. Where as jQuery providing a normalized event model for all supported browsers that makes it very easy to handle events.

Ajax support

AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML . Using AJAX we can connect to database and also can fetch the data from the server’s database without refreshing the page. JQuery have very effective AJAX methods library to extend the functionality of AJAX.

Compatibility with languages

The jQuery script can be used with nearly all the web languages. Some of Frequently used languages with jQuery are given below:







Smarty is a web template system written in PHP. Smarty is primarily promoted as a tool for separation of concerns. Smarty generates web content by the placement of special Smarty tags within a document. These tags are processed and substituted with other code.
Tags are directives for Smarty that are enclosed by template delimiters. These directives can be variables, denoted by a dollar sign ($), functions, logical or loop statements. Smarty allows PHP programmers to define custom functions that can be accessed using Smarty tags.
Smarty is intended to simplify compartmentalization, allowing the presentation of a web page to change separately from the back-end. Ideally, this eases the costs and efforts associated with software maintenance.


Smarty supports several high-level template programming features, including:

Control flow statements, foreach
if, elseif, else statements
variable modifiers – For example {$variable|nl2br}
functions – For example {html_select_date start_year=’-5′ end_year=’+5′}
output filters
possibility to create own modifiers / functions / output filters
advanced caching of pages

along with other features. There are other template engines and frameworks that also support these features. Smarty templates can be incorporated into existing PHP web applications. It is used where a web application or a website has a theme system built into it, where the templates can be changed from theme to theme.

Yii (yes it is ) Frame work

Yii is a free, open-source Web application development framework written in PHP5 that promotes clean, DRY design and encourages rapid development. It works to streamline your application development and helps to ensure an extremely efficient, extensible, and maintainable end product. Yii is a perfect choice for any sized project. However, it has been built with sophisticated, enterprise applications in mind.

Features of Yii Framework : Whether you are one developer building a fairly simple Web site, or a team of distributed developers building an extremely complex Web application, using Yii is like augmenting your development team with additional experienced, professional, and efficient resources.

1. Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern : Yii implements the model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern, which is widely adopted in Web programming. MVC aims to separate business logic from user interface considerations, so that developers can more easily change each part without affecting the other. In MVC, the model represents the information (the data) and the business rules; the view contains elements of the user interface such as text, form inputs; and the controller manages the communication between the model and the view.

2. Database Access Objects (DAO), Query Builder, Active Record, DB Migration : Built on top of the PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension, Yii Data Access Objects (DAO) enables accessing to different database management systems (DBMS) in a single uniform interface. Applications developed using Yii DAO can be easily switched to use a different DBMS without the need to modify the data accessing code. Yii Query Builder offers an object-oriented method for building SQL queries, which helps reduce risk of SQL injection attacks.

3. Form input and validation : Collecting user data via HTML forms is one of the major tasks in Web application development. Besides designing forms, developers need to populate the form with existing data or default values, validate user input, display appropriate error messages for invalid input, and save the input to persistent storage. Yii greatly simplifies this workflow with its MVC architecture.

4. AJAX-enabled widgets : Extending Yii is a common activity during development. For example, when you write a new controller, you extend Yii by inheriting its CController class; when you write a new widget, you are extending CWidget or an existing widget class. If the extended code is designed to be reused by third-party developers, we call it an extension.

5. Authentication and authorization : Yii has a built-in authentication/authorization (auth) framework which is easy to use and can be customized for special needs.The central piece in the Yii auth framework is a pre-declared user application component which is an object implementing the [IWebUser] interface. The user component represents the persistent identity information for the current user. We can access it at any place using Yii::app()->user. Using the user component, we can check if a user is logged in or not via CWebUser::isGuest; we can login andlogout a user; we can check if the user can perform specific operations by calling CWebUser::checkAccess; and we can also obtain the unique identifier and other persistent identity information about the use

Benefits of Codeigniter Development

Developers around the world are always looking for new ways to develop their next best thing. In order to do that, they need the best tool kit they can get their hands on.Code igniter has concluded their search. It is a PHP framework equipped with ready to use libraries, plug-ins and helpers along with other resources that enable the users to create complex and high performance web applications in an easy yet efficient manner.

Code igniter development is based on Model-View-Controller or MVC as it’s called. This technique allows the programmer to make the core of the application and its structure by remaining completely independent from PHP script but it allows a minimum amount of scripting allowing the programmer to add more quality to the program. In other words, Code igniter is proficient, fast yet simple to implement and create. Its MVC model is programmer friendly as it keeps the basic functions such as inserting, retrieving, restructuring, and defining functions simple. This quality of code igniter gives your website a sublime look and supreme functioning capability.


Its high quality developed frames make server host transferring quicker with nearly zero chance of data loss. Therefore, you do not need to worry about anything during the migration of your website. Another advantage that you gain by developing your program on code igniter is that it is easily adaptable to any changes you need to make at any stage of the development without getting into the hassle of recreating the entire program all over again. If there is a team of expert code igniter developers at your disposal then you can develop a content management system just the way you want. Code igniter’s awesome libraries can turn your dreams into reality and help you increase your revenue like never before

Benefits of Code Igniter:

1. A small track and astounding presentation
2. Provision of broad compatibility along with standard hosting accounts,
3. Configuration and normal coding rules are not required
4. Depiction of straightforward solutions
5. Free from complex structures and development

Javascript MVC Framework

Experienced web developers use MVC frameworks not because it is an interesting thing to do, but because it is the proper way to build a web application from scratch. The way MVC frameworks work is by organizing the concerns in an application into models, views, controllers. The frameworks don’t always respect this structure, an example being Backbone which adds the responsibility of the controller in view, but is the basic way for MVC frameworks to work.

Backbone Js

Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions,views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface The cool thing about backbone.js is that it seems to be pretty popular – so you will find a lot of useful stuff out there .Backbone is its popularity and therewith the amount of information you get (for free) on the web, and help provided by the community. In addition, it seems to be an easy starting point for getting in touch with Javascript MVC. The main point here is that Backbone does not offer that much functionality compared to other frameworks like Angular or Ember, which leads to the next positive thing: Backbone’s size is &minified only around 5kb. The template engine Underscore is also pretty cool, but since the other candidates provide similar functionality, this is just a note. While having a closer look at Backbone, I found two negative points. The first point is that the documentation on the Backbone page is not so cool and is more a mess. The second point, and for me a deciding point: the version number. Backbone is currently (November 2012) only available in 0.9.2, which means that a final 1.0 version is still not there. Surely, it will not change a lot from 0.9 to 1.0 –

Backbone seems to be a very good candidate for smaller projects, due to its simplicity and popularity.

Ember js

Ember.js. Whilst Backbone is fairly low level, with a lot of code that you need to write yourself, such as code to update the view when model data changes, Ember does a lot of that work for you. It’s more opinionated because it tries to do a lot more for you, but that also leads to you having to write less boilerplate code.
Ember’s main features are its data binding; obejcts in Ember can bind properties to each other, so when a property changes in one object, the other is kept in sync. Another is the ability to define functions on an object that you can then treat as properties. Hence, if a model has a first and last name, you could create a function to define a person’s fullname, and have it treated as if the model has a fullname property. Coming from a Backbone perspective, the feature most likely to draw you in is that Ember automatically updates its views when data changes – saving you a lot of work. Thiscomparison post between the two sums it up quite nicely: “Backbone is more explicit and less magical”. Depending on your perspective, that can be a good or a bad thing. Some prefer Backbone because it keeps things simple, and lets you do everything how you want, whereas Ember does much more for you. A framework that does more for you means you relinquish some of the control, but gain time in not having to write code to handle a lot of the mundane functionality.

Ember also has more traditional controllers. Views (usually written in Handlebars) provide ways of attaching certain buttons or links to Ember controller actions. Of course, controllers don’t need to deal with updating content, but can house methods to deal with just about everything else. This is where most of your methods will go that deal with the data. In a todo app, for example, you might write methods that return just the completed todos, or the methods that save another todo item.

Angular js

AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework, maintained by Google, that assists with running single-page applications. Its goal is to augment browser-based applications with model–view–controller (MVC) capability, in an effort to make both development and testing easier . Angular’s approach is kind of different compared to the other ones: You provide your HTML code with additional attributes to initialize MVC functionality. A framework comprising pretty cool ideas.
Angular offers a lot of great and cool features, like support for internationalization and the support for Domain Specific Languages (DSL), which means that you can create your own HTML elements with semantic behind. Angular also seems to be (from a developer’s point of view) the most modern one of my candidates. I really like the Dependency Injection thing the developers implemented. The size is with 78kb gzipped ok. So far, no cons from my side. If you like the style of Angular, then everything is cool and fresh.